My name is Maksymilian Nehrebecki, I’m an 20-year-old photographer-filmmaker, located in Poland, Tricity. My passion for photography started with my dad’s old camera.
Photography started at an early age of 10. He gave me the camera and told me to have some fun with it. As a kid with head up in the sky I photographed everything: forests, rocks, flowers, sky, cars, dogs… anything a 10 year old would find interesting. After some time I began to photograph while he was working. I got a little extra money, and started to save up.
At the age of 15, I discovered that wildlife photography could become and eventually became the thing I loved to photograph the most. After 3 years of photographing animals including birds, I felt like I needed to change something.
Then came the idea of experimenting. It was everything: sports, cars, landscape, astro, street, architectural, macro, and food. I finally concluded that PORATRAIT was the one I wanted to put my heart to.
With the Portrait in itself came the Black&White and Fine Art. By 2024 I have plans to document from start to finish the idea I had in mind and planned for the past 2 years. Moreover, I also want to focus on Sensual, Nude, and Erotic photography. Including women and couples. Both in black&white and color, with black&white dominating the scene.
"Filmmaking is a way of life and photography is a way of looking at the world"
Photo by Kamli Kożuch. Hasselblad CFV II 50C/907X